{"id":1946,"date":"2018-07-21T04:58:29","date_gmt":"2018-07-21T04:58:29","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/axiomenglish.com\/?page_id=1946"},"modified":"2021-11-15T15:41:44","modified_gmt":"2021-11-15T10:11:44","slug":"spoken-english-course","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/axiomenglish.com\/spoken-english-course\/","title":{"rendered":"Spoken English Course"},"content":{"rendered":"


In a globalised scenario, knowledge drives the world. Science and technology have opened up vistas of new information and it has become an unavoidable prerequisite for people, particularly the young ones \u00a0to gather knowledge , sharpen their intellect and\u00a0 thereby ensure their employability in the modern competitive world. The presence of a common language which can connect\u00a0 them\u00a0 with the resources of knowledge is a vital necessity in this context. That is where English fits in, the language with immense flexibility and adaptability, the natural \u201clingua franca\u201d.<\/p>\n


Communication has over the last two or three decades \u00a0acquired the dimensions of a fundamental tool of multi-faceted functioning. \u00a0People do not any longer confine themselves\u00a0 within\u00a0 the familiar\u00a0 settings of particular \u00a0geographical entities. They have started exploring a new world, globe-trotting. In the world of yesteryears, there was the constraint of not having access to a common language to facilitate international interaction. \u00a0Citizens of a country learned only their mother tounges;\u00a0 that sufficed their requirements of finding placements or settling down. As the world opened up, and technology extended\u00a0 it\u2019s\u00a0 borders to magical spaces, people started to criss-cross \u00a0it\u00a0 seeking greener pastures. English language came handy to assist them. Communication between and among farflung\u00a0 cultures is the norm today to balance co-existence.\u00a0 English has built a bridge. It has helped humanity to reach distant\u00a0 destinations . English has converted the world into a global village.<\/p>\n

In the field of education, English has been widely accepted and accommodated. Contents are better understood if they are served in English and students can decipher subjects more clearly because the language used is more focused. Technology is absolutely dependent on English , necessitating familiarity with the fundamentals of the language. Training \u00a0centres for English communication have sprouted\u00a0 up everywhere,\u00a0 highlighting the urgency of it\u2019s mastery. Cambridge University\u2019s\u00a0 language tests like IELTS ,TOFFEL\u00a0 etc\u00a0 have become very popular\u00a0 because high band results in such exams prove the authenticity of the candidates\u2019 command of English and also guarantee attractive\u00a0 opportunities in developed countries.<\/p>\n

Resources \u00a0of study materials for English have multiplied exponentially \u00a0with the advancement in technology. Apart from conventional classrooms and libraries, the language can be learned systematically \u00a0from\u00a0 the internet, television etc\u2026Many innovative techniques are being employed to teach English to small children , worldwide today.<\/p>\n

Corporate conglomerates look at the world as a single and large market \u00a0and the economies are integrated. Business transcends geographical borders between countries \u00a0and this happens effortlessly because transactions are in the common language , English. International tourism, a lucrative revenue for many nations \u00a0thrives on English.<\/p>\n

English is the most friendly language; it is also pleasantly receptive. It has never shied away from accepting and later incorporating into its syntax words from other languages. Learning of English language has to be encouraged because it would empower the next generation to face daunting challenges which are in store in the world of the future.<\/p>\n


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